Fully Convolutional SVR for Single-Stack MRI
Sean I Young Yaël Balbastre Bruce Fischl Polina Golland Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Harvard Medical School MIT
1. Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction (SVR)
MRI of subjects who move uncontrollably — 2D slice acquisitions taken
Acquired slices are assembled into a 3D volume — referred to as SVR
We propose a SVR method that can reconstruct from a single slice stack
2. Multiple-Stack SVR Using Optimization
Reconstruct volume based on previously estimated motion parameters
Re-estimate motion parameters based
on the previous 3D reconstruction
Optimization problem becomes
Objective is non-convex and solving
the problem is time-consuming
3. Previous Deep Learning Reconstructions
Predict affine/rigid parameters
of each 2D slice in 3D space
Can fail to reconstruct if
the slice motion is large
Does not generalize to non-
affine deformable motion
4. From Single-View Depth Estimation
DL enables depth estimation from
a single view
Train a fully convolutional network
model on (view, depth) examples
Use similar principle for single-stack
slice-to-volume reconstruction?
5. ... To Fully Convolutional SVR
Unroll iterations of optimization into end-to-end motion prediction
Registration of an unknown moving image to a known fixed image
6. Supervised Learning
Train fully convolutional network on
(slice stack, motion stack) examples
Synthesize slice stacks with arbitrary
random but known motion
Use rigid compensated
loss for training:
7. Rigid Motion-compensating Loss
Uncompensated loss penalizes global rotations and
Translation-compensated loss improves training
Full rigid motion compensated loss further improves
8. Supervised Interpolation
Splatted volume has regions of
missing intensities due to motion
Interpolate missing intensities to
produce artifact-free 3D volume
9. Reconstruction Results
10. Current and Future Work
Fully convolutional deformable SVR for abdominal imaging et cetera
Margherita’s adaptation to clinical workflows (multiple stacks et cetera)
Figure adapted from Simonyan et al. (2014)
Figure adapted from
Szeliski and Golland (1999)